School History

The Thomas Aquinas Institute of Learning, Inc., is a private, co-educational, Catholic-oriented, non-sectarian Institution. Its curricular offerings are complete Pre-School, complete Elementary, Complete Junior High School and Senior High School with strands of Accounting and Business Management (ABM), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).

The school during its initial operations offered Pre School and Grades 1 to 2 levels. Over time, it expanded its level offerings to cover complete grade school and high school levels.

As one of Imus city's ESC certified and FAPE accredited institutions, Aquinas continuously aims to be a premium learning institution that will become a consistent well-spring of dynamic individuals imbued with the virtues of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

Message from the School Management

The Thomasian Community


We started the year 2020 strong and faithful with high hopes that this will be one of the best years of our lives. However, hopeful as we all are, 2020 has been fraught with challenges ranging from the January eruption of the Taal Volcano and today our ongoing fight with the COVID-19 pandemic that has racked up our entire nation and the rest of the world.

But Filipinos as they say are a resilient people. After two months of lockdown and enhanced community quarantine, the DepEd stated that education must continue, and so we move forward with our lives with a goal of continuously making better versions of ourselves.

As we heal as one with our country in battling and surviving the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to plan, organize and optimize flexible and better learning environment for our students. Knowing fully well that our greatest mission is to further education albeit unlikely circumstances, we, at Aquinas developed academic plans for SY 2020 — 2021 placing our learners at the core of our objectives of providing efficient, safe and conducive modals by adapting full digitization of our school management system.

In this light we present to you an overview of our Academic Blueprint for SY 2020 — 2021. Rest assured that we will continue to provide better learning experiences for our students.

Yours in Saint Thomas,

The Management, Administration, Faculty and Staff

Our Mission

“Education powers the future, The future powers a better world.”

“Strength and Confidence through Truthfulness and Excellence in Education”

Our Vision

The Thomas Aquinas Institute of Learning aims to be a premium learning institution which builds a culture of excellence and dynamism today, and leaders of tomorrow.

Our Philosophy

The Thomas Aquinas Institute of Learning is a school established for boys and girls which aims to develop well-rounded individuals imbued with the Christian values to be able to deal with the present-day realities of life, and to equip them towards having a profound vision of the future.

Therefore, the school’s academic program is directed towards a child’s intellectual, physical, emotional and social development and towards moral maturity in order to create for themselves a better future and for them to establish a better world.